June 6 – Life’s Storms

Posted: June 7, 2011 in Inspire Joy

Briselcone Pine — Methuselah

There Will Be Storms
There will be storms, yes friend, there will be storms.
And with each tempest, you will seem to stand-alone against cruel winds; but with time, the rage and fury shall subside. And when the sky clears, you will find yourself with someone you would have never known, but for storms. And when the sky clears, you will find yourself with a someone, someone you would have never known, but for storms – God.

OK friend, the storm is ending, always does. It’s time to move. From who you were, who they said you were, to the man or woman with a new plan, a divine plan. No one else can accomplish and achieve what you were put here to do. While going through the pain of letting go, you should never forget what waits for you at your new location, in your new person, in your new place of grace and wholeness.

It’s never too late to start a new chapter, to turn the channel, to flip the page. Realize all God has in store for you. It’s a new day, filled with new grace. Wake Up! Time to move on! To change!

Choose to forgive – to forgive others, to forgive myself. We have dreams, we have a future, and forgiveness will be needed to move us through life’s storms.

Too often we live with constant frustration and bitterness, with no sense of preparation or moral direction. As Romans 8:28 reads, ‘And we know all things work together for good to who loves God, to who are the called according to his purpose.’

Wake up! Get right with God, and life’s storms will be brief!

2011, Monday, Bakersfield, Lost Hills, Chevron
Up at 6h00. Rio, Cloudy, 70′s. Slept well. Breathing, Prayers, Spiritual Reading. Off to Chevron Lost Hills. Worked on Well Surveillance System. The day passes by. Listening to Atlas Shrugged on Drive (1 hour each way, or 100 miles). Nice. Beautiful valley drive. Ag everywhere. Almonds, pistachio’s, Dairy, Grapes. Wow! Back home ~20h30. Had super bean dinner with some wine. Good stuff. Watched a little tv, then to sleep ~22h30. Enjoyable day. So many wonderful people to love, so many love me. I’m truly a blessed man! God, thank you for your presence in my life. I see your creation everywhere. I pray to do your will.

It’s sunday in bako, at cedar falls house. Looks life the storms for this year are over and we are moving into summer. Life’s storms are receding as my life becomes centered on knowing god’s will and living it. I pray at least twice daily, before bed, and when I wake up. The praying brings my awareness of god into my mind’s eye and enables direction from god to fill my soul. What I feel greatest is love and living in peace, oneness with the universe. Church agenda today includes Bako Unity, Parkside Side Baptist, then Mormon Church.

Max and I went to a Galaxy Soccer Game last nigh in LA (Carson) Home Depot stadium. They played Houston and won 4-1. Had a lot of fun. The play was intense, as and the fans were lively. We enjoy soccer. Nice prep match for the World Cup. We bought a few scarves for souvenirs. Had subs for dinner at Jersey Subs in Valencia.

Will be doing some moving prep this afternoon.

Will be taking Miriam to Justin Mengs house today. I think this will be Miri’s new home, God willing.

What do you think?